The outset in close connection with the intestine
Giving stress to the whole family practice shows that this is not done, easier way leads to the doctor. He has the tools to atopy - relieve eczema (override) unfortunately, only short. According clear rules: If the cause is not removed, then disease cannot be cured and did not say cured.
Atopy is still available and it’s still acting on it the same way. If you manage to cutaneous stop eczema disappear, the disease but move in and over time will be reflected in another form - harder mucous - appears allergies in the eyes, the nose, the bronchial tubes (hay fever, asthma).
Atopy is given to march, now will manifest itself in another form. But nature has not changed, and - if proceeding to address this new form in the same way, after some time atopy again is on the march. Which direction? Atopy is from the outset in close connection with the intestine.
Intestinal flora significantly affects atopic manifestations. Field work shows the incidence of bacterial pathogens in the stool 3 weeks old children and also in children of atopic and non-atopic then. We see that in the atopic outweigh harmful germs and benefits are in the minority and non-atopic children is the opposite.
3 week old baby already has an unhealthy ratio of bacteria in the intestine. The study shows that this fact has nothing to do with the layout; it’s only wrong resultant colonization of the intestine at first the parents and then the child.