Insomnia of both women and men
Insomnia for both women and men in transition is characterized by difficulty in falling asleep and sleeping with repeated intermittent waking up. Gradually there is a reduction in the overall quality of sleep due to shortening of the deep phase.
The result is increased fatigue and malaise that accompanies memory and concentration or slow reaction. All of these symptoms can lead to a loss of confidence and deepening depression.
Bone loss and fractures painless - Osteoporosis, or thinning bones is one of the most dangerous health difficulties that male or female transition accompanies. Rapid loss of protective hormones gives rise to changes in the structure and function of the bone, especially to reduce the volume of bone tissue.
As a result of this loss subsequently disrupts the integrity and strength of bone, which is becoming more fragile. Osteoporosis is the most common transition reflected back pain, joint or bone. In many cases it results in fractures which occur relatively easily even when exerting a little pressure. The most common injuries include fracture of the wrist, vertebral or femoral neck.
Significant health risk of these fractures is their painless. With it, the injured person injury and often do not realize is unaffected and fracture. If left untreated, the fracture can mean serious health complications.
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels - Hormones have an important property, which is to protect the heart and blood vessels. The transition between men and women and brings in addition to osteoporosis and other health hazards, which is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.