Functions of carbohydrates to lose weight

Starch is the major polysaccharide, which is digested by the body. 80% of the intake of carbohydrates - is starch. He enters through the plant foods: cereals, flour, and bread. Buckwheat is particularly rich in starch (60%), less likely it is porridge (oatmeal, cereal).

Starch contained in macaroni - 68%, in legumes - 40%. Food legumes are those that contain starch: peas, lentils, beans. In soybeans there is only 3.5% starch. But it very much in potatoes (18%), because of what nutritionists do not ascribe to vegetables potatoes, and equate it to cereals and legumes.

Glycogen or animal starch found in foods of animal origin in the liver, meat consists of glucose molecules. Cellulose is kind of fiber; composed of several glucose molecules. The human body is not digested. (

Functions of carbohydrates - Sure our body needs and delivery of complex and simple carbohydrates. When carbohydrates are ingested in the diet in the human body, part of the amino acid is used as an energetic material; the rest is mainly for plastic needs. Most of unspent settles in the liver as glycogen, and quite tiny fraction is stored in muscle tissue.

Carbohydrates, we must confront the possibility of infection and eliminate the “outsider” Down from the body, such as the nasal mucosa of the larynx and has the ability to delay the dust.


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