Consequences of genital herpes
Consequences of genital herpes - Usually, genital herpes is not a threat to human life. However, this infection causes discomfort and psychological stress, which is manifested in the appearance of anxiety, impaired awareness of security and intimacy, as well as low self-esteem.
A few years after infection with herpes can manifest local complications: dry mucous membranes of the genital, education on them cracks and bleeding mucosal lesion of the vaginal opening. In some patients, there is pain in the perineum, lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. If the pain is too long, starts you have to decrease s*x drive (libido). (
Without treatment, the virus can carry serious consequences. During pregnancy, women can pass herpes to their unborn child. As a result, the child may be ill serious or even fatal infections. If the third trimester of pregnancy, the woman has a herpes outbreak, most likely, the gynecologist will recommend a cesarean section.
In addition, women who are suffering from genital herpes, increases the risk of HIV infection; list complications of this disease is not small. Consequences of genital herpes affect a variety of parts of the human body; they differ in the degree of danger and difficulty. That is why the virus cannot be ignored. When the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. More detailed information about herpes symptoms and cure can be found at .